S19 E6
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Wednesdays 10:00 PM on Comedy Central

Season 19  "Tweek x Craig"  19x6

Aired 8 years ago - Oct 28, 2015

The news of a romantic relationship between Tweek and Craig hits South Park Elementary. Mr. Mackey tries to figure out who started the rumor. Meanwhile, Cartman, who struggles to understand his friends’ relationship, finds he has an admirer of his own.

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Recap of South Park Season 19 Episode 6 (S19E06) - 2 #2 Recap of South Park Season 19 Episode 6 (S19E06) - 3
And we already have our first gay kids.
Recap of South Park Season 19 Episode 6 (S19E06) - 4
Who knows all about this stuff, okay?
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The Asians decide who's gonna be gay?
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Well, we heard that you're gay.
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In fact, I just...
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♪ It's full of charts and facts and figures ♪
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♪ I love it when you read to me ♪
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♪ But I-I-I-I-I-I ♪
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♪ You can sing me anything ♪
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Oh, come on!
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Yes, Cupid Me. Make it quick. Don't let anyone see you.
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Tee hee hee!
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That's so sweet!
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And so then my dad talked to me about it.
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Oh, God, you guys. Get a room.
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Just a lovers' quarrel, probably.
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I was just wondering if you could shed some light
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Oh, it's Japan that decides?
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Hi. Flower delivery for Eric Cartman.
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But it doesn't change the fact
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This... is done.
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Is Tweek home?
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Oh, uh, but keep the door open, all right?
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The whole world wants me to be something I'm not!
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In front of the Asian girls.
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Everyone's so damn happy,
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You know, a lot of people think that Asians decide
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Yes, I do.
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Uh-huh. And who the hell is Michael?
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Oh, don't use that lame shit on me, man.
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Well, guess what, Craig?! Love doesn't follow a plan!
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♪ I'll be the one if you want me to ♪
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♪ Say something ♪
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Fuck you.
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All right. One date.
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Hi. Is Craig here, sir?
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I was thinking maybe we should say we're back together.
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You... you made me believe in myself in a way I never have before.
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I have to be myself.
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I... I just don't want it to be my son.