S9 E16
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Sundays 8:00 PM on Disney+

Season 9  "Dumbbell Indemnity"  9x16

Aired 26 years ago - Mar 01, 1998

Moe goes broke trying to wine and dine a new girlfriend. Desperate for money, he cooks up an insurance scam with Homer.

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Recap of The Simpsons Season 9 Episode 16 (S09E16) - 2
All right, come on. What's the catch?
Recap of The Simpsons Season 9 Episode 16 (S09E16) - 3
Gee, I'm sorry. I used to box, you know. My brairs-
Recap of The Simpsons Season 9 Episode 16 (S09E16) - 4
Let's get out of here, Moe. This is going nowhere.
Recap of The Simpsons Season 9 Episode 16 (S09E16) - 5
- I didn't say "no" exactly. - Really?
Recap of The Simpsons Season 9 Episode 16 (S09E16) - 6
##[Man Singing]
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And bring us the finest food you got stuffed with the second finest.
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I just can't figure it out.
Recap of The Simpsons Season 9 Episode 16 (S09E16) - 10
- just so we could have a romantic evening together. - Yeah, well...
Recap of The Simpsons Season 9 Episode 16 (S09E16) - 11 #11 Recap of The Simpsons Season 9 Episode 16 (S09E16) - 12
Uh, no. No, no. I don't want that on the card.
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But... I still don't know.
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- Mmm! Me. - Hey, hey! Aw, that's great.
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and I'm gonna be right there with 'em.
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I keep showing Renee the sweet life.
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No, you look a little nervous, Lisa.
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- [Chuckles] - Uh, scuse me there, Officer. You see my car there...
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##[Homer Singing]
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- [Shrieking] - [Screaming]
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- And you're sweating a lot, even for you. - Am I?
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- What plan? - The what? The-The wonderful evening plan.
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- Homer, you moron. - Homer, you genius!
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Homer! Oh, how... could you?
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Listen, I know it looks bad, but all I can tell you...
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Aw, thanks, boy.
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- But I'm in jail. - Yeah. Yeah, that's a-
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Oh, cripes, the puppy dog look.
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Yeah, yeah, I'm okay. There's just somethir I got to do.
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Nah, nah, nah. We're going for the real thing. First class all the way.
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Hawaii, here we come.
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Hey, n-no. No, y-you ain't dead. Y-Y-You're just in jail.
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Exactly. Exactly!
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Oh, boy, Renee, you sure can pick 'em.
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wasting your time with a lowlife like me.
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Unless I send a letter to the police clearing Homer.
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- Good-bye, Moe. - Where you going, baby?
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Must kill Moe.