S12 E19
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2 years ago
Mondays 8:00 PM on CBS

Season 12  "Patience"  12x19

Aired 9 years ago - Mar 31, 2015

The murder of a petty officer sparks a lead in a 40 year old airport bombing cold case that Gibbs and DiNozzo have been assigned to for the past two years. Also, McGee is jealous that he was not previously briefed on the cold case.

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Recap of NCIS Season 12 Episode 19 (S12E19) - 2
And no hits on his prints.
Recap of NCIS Season 12 Episode 19 (S12E19) - 3
Going, gone!
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Oh, you ever heard of an op with that name?
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Why is there operational activity
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And Ambassador Edmunds at State.
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Agent McGee, your ego is not the subject of this briefing.
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You cheated on me, Gibbs.
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that that is him.
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Apparently he had cultivated Lolita as an asset.
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Is there a doorbell or something?
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on the young lady's derrière.
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Smells like cat pee?
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You two... maybe want to be alone?
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Just awaiting the go-order. We're chomping at the bit here.
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He was. What he hasn't forgotten
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You lay one hand on me,
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And you took it. Why?
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but I finished running Orlando's DNA and...
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He could have found out about the assault.
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My tech's still trying to access it.
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He has a niece that lives outside Baltimore.
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and we risk getting bad Intel if we turn the screws.
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All right, let's check out these cool pillows.
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Follow me. We're tight on time.
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What do you get?
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Just a matter of time before Orlando
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A government which has imprisoned me for decades
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are more important to me than my entire empire.
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Are you sure you can handle this?
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has not been dulled by the ravages of time.
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His DNA does not match the sample from the airport bomb.
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Well, who was on the other side of that bug?
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Tell me what's going on.
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When he got out, he moved into the drug trade.