Aired 11 years ago - Mar 19, 2013
In the third season finale, the girls attempt to put an end to the game. With so much happening and new information uncovered, will the girls be ready for what is waiting for them?
♪ I'm going to sing it to you
girls and boys ♪
♪ 'cause two can
keep a secret ♪
What are you saying, Spence?
I'll look for you.
Good luck, Emily.
Oh, I'm sorry.
He was offered the position
this morning, Aria.
But my mom's in New York,
Caleb's out of town,
They'll all be together
this Friday.
Is everything okay?
I know, but you can't.
Hey, I love you just
as much as I always have.
♪ you leave me wanting ♪
♪ I'm nowhere else to go ♪
Mona told me that you
were alive.
That you'd be my reward
for delivering the girls.
And I need you to follow me.
I'll show you a picture
of a person,
are going to be at
the lodge at nine.
The only thing I know about red
coat is that she's in charge.
there at rock bottom. And she
came out like a shiny new penny.
♪ I've been drivin' too long ♪
♪ I just ride ♪
You know, this doesn't
have to be forever.
that means you're
still one of us.
And it's true.
You've found a way to get to me
without her knowing about it.
And I'm back as
your substitute teacher.
The store gives full
refunds for returns.
Trust me. You don't
want to disappoint her.
You won't get away with this.
You see her.
She doesn't see you.
You guys, we have
to get out of here.
I saw her, too.
Aired 11 years ago - Mar 12, 2013
"A" plays games with higher stakes. Aria considers things with Ezra and Hanna is thrown in the midst of Caleb's family drama. Spencer looks for answers about Mona's time in Radley.
♪ 'cause two can keep a secret ♪
It was a rough night.
I don't think we should be seen splitting
after the whole
falling-off-the-bed incident...
My dad wants to take us to a nice dinner.
Is there a better way that I can reach her?
I said I'm not ready!
in there any longer than we have to.
Fine, just get your phone ready, okay?
Dr. Kingston, he said she was
I don't know what to say, Caleb.
Are you all right?
What is that?
For all I know, he's already skipped town.
that you've stolen from that church.
who slammed doors in my face when
they were tired of looking at me?
and report it. I'll meet you there in ten.
You know, I was supposed to pick
you up from your karate class, right?
I thought I was clear this morning.
One, two, three, four...
You finish, I'm...
You authorized it.
How did she even know
that Mona was even in here?
They found another body early this evening.
- I know it's not the same,
but... - It would be better.
Aired 12 years ago - Mar 05, 2013
Aria, Emily and Hanna try to locate a missing Spencer - but Spencer may not want to be found. Emily meets Olympic gold medalist MISSY FRANKLIN (guest starring as herself).
Aired 12 years ago - Feb 26, 2013
Spencer is now ready to talk, but Emily is not ready to accept what she has to say. Hanna helps her mother and keeps a new secret, and wonders if "A" had something to do with it.
The Toby, I know, what would never
do anything to hurt any of us.
Ah, a few days.
I...Can't imagine that Maggie
would be too happy about that.
Lucas was blackmailed into doing
things for Mona, remember?
and she thinks that she
might have a lead on a job.
Thank you. That's a big help.
Well, it's working.
Listen to me, Mona. I'm not playing around.
He wanted to know if I knew of
any open teaching positions
Sorry. I'm just here to
pick up a table saw.
I-I don't know what to think.
So Mona is trying to tell
us in her cryptic way
She seems to be.
And that helped ensure that she
went to Radley, not to jail.
- His family is away.
- Maybe he's with them.
I just want to be clear on what happened
... Compared to what
I'll do if Hanna talks.
He's fine. Just worn out.
and then he told me to meet
him here two hours ago.
and it didn't even crack.
Well, if "A" drove it here,
who knows what's next?
We really, really need to rethink this.
But I wasn't sure, so...
Maybe he woke up and realized
he was in the wrong.
I'd love to, but, um...
Aired 12 years ago - Feb 19, 2013
Holding new information about Detective Wilden (BRYCE JOHNSON), Aria, Emily and Hanna are on the hunt for answers about the detective's past. Spencer finds someone to lean on.
Like what?
Wow. After all the hurdles you
went through to get them together,
That doesn't explain the
look he just gave you.
You can't go around saying
those things about people,
I put a five dollar bill in
the church collection box,
I crashed as soon as I got in.
and not drag you into the middle of this.
Said you needed to talk.
Hey. Sorry.
I've never seen you this down.
Seriously? You're looking
for sympathy from the girl
I still don't understand why
you care about this costume.
Let's go.
I must admit, I admire your courage...
But we're not friends.
I think you bought a glass of wine
for the wrong person.
She wasn't wrong, han.
Best interest. That's what
you called it, right, mom?
Did she kill Garrett?
It's a big step, but we're trying
to ease him into the idea.
Uh, I don't know, uh, but we
will figure something out.
and you could lose a lot
more than your boyfriend.
I think I might have
killed Detective Wilden.
Aired 12 years ago - Feb 12, 2013
Spencer takes her anger and hurt over her breakup out on Mona. Aria finds she is spending more time with Wes (GREGG SULKIN). Emily and Jason (DREW VAN ACKER) work together.
Aired 12 years ago - Feb 05, 2013
Alison's family is set to bury her again, now that they have her remains, but the girls are divided about going to yet another memorial. Emily visits Dr. Sullivan (ANNABETH GISH).
maneuvered into doing the
absolute wrong thing.
So in here is your schedule,
So, do we have a problem, me staying
here for a couple of nights?
And if you want me to narrow
it to a single doorway,
Does that mean he murdered Ali?
I talked to her, and she was
trying to help us figure out
I would not mind getting
cozy with one of those.
You were defending yourself, Emily.
What you did was incredibly...
It was in my hand,
You're looking at about a
hundred years' worth of stuff.
How long has it been since
you've seen your Uncle?
Not now. I'll win, and it won't
feel good for either of us.
then you will tell me what you remember.
I don't know where I am.
The murder weapon.
Yeah, he will.
How long are we going away for?
then it means that there's hope.
Mr. Kaplan, funny running
into you like this.
- You hit on your physics teacher.
- Who is very attractive,
can you promise not to get angry?
I think he took it from his wallet.
It was very thoughtful of you, Mona.
I don't care if it's Santa
Claus, consider me creeped.
It's one thing to doubt
the person you're with...
Aired 12 years ago - Jan 29, 2013
Will their secrets drive the girls to take desperate actions that could make things worse? Plus, Emily learns more about what Ali may have been hiding the summer before her murder.
Aired 12 years ago - Jan 22, 2013
Meredith (AMANDA SCHULL) helps take care of Aria when she is sick - but could Meredith have ulterior motives? Spencer surprises Toby (KEEGAN ALLEN) for their anniversary.
Aired 12 years ago - Jan 15, 2013
Aria, Emily, Hanna and Spencer are sure that Mona is up to her old tricks again, but can they prove it? Meanwhile, Aria's fears about her father grow stronger.
I can't find it.
and I just keep pulling and
pulling until I'm bald.
He was at our school, stalking me.
I was looking for something.
You know how it's been since Halloween.
- You in?
- Yeah, I'm in.
A night off from the kids, huh?
You were at a party with your friends.
I played dumb for a really
long time, Spencer.
Look, I know why you want
this; Yale will be impressed.
Maybe her phone was hidden or something.
I'm sure that we can keep
things professional.
I just don't wanna believe
that it was intentional.
There are 42 clubs at Rosewood High.
to go to go distract Jenna.
Maybe that way, I can protect myself.
I told you I had a restriction, too.
I don't.
Sam and Conrad will keep time and score.
What? Did he say why?
I'm sorry. I know you really wanted
to go to that party tonight.
Somebody slashed it.
By population or gross domestic product?
Um, I just really blew it, and
I need to get outta here.
I know you're still "A", and I
know what you're doing to Lucas.
and competitive.
Em, I don't blame you.
Aired 12 years ago - Jan 08, 2013
Radley Sanitarium has given Mona a clean bill of health and she is headed back to Rosewood High, much to the girls' dismay. Could their former tormentor really be cured?
You're putting an alarm on my window?
I don't think of the word
"innocent" when I think of Garrett.
Here's a hint. Yes.
My dad and I are finally getting along.
Yeah. She wants a fresh start.
If he knew half the crap we'd been
through, he'd ship me off to Guam.
Yeah. I plan on telling him
every time we're together,
Yeah, you were.
and if you ladies want to graduate,
It wasn't in her locker
before first period.
Figure out who the creep was
that killed your girlfriend.
Do you think it's possible
that Mona did that to herself?
just to report to mom
that I'm still alive.
Can I ask you something?
He was cleaning up Mona's locker.
- with Mona and her parents last week.
- How did you get this?
that kid might be dealing
with it for a long time.
Jason's a big boy. He can
take care of himself.
were cautiously welcoming.
You never spent any real time
alone with her, though, did you?
I was considered a loser.
I've been in Radley for
over seven months now.
I haven't spoken to her in months.
I... I looked for him everywhere.
♪ o'er the land of the free ♪
Yeah, it was, but, you
guys, this isn't Mona's.
Fine. I'd rather not talk.
- ( Door slamming )
- Emily, put this in your jacket.
That was your principal.
is knowing that I'm
coming home to my family.
I know what they're capable of.
Aired 12 years ago - Oct 23, 2012
Trick or treat? The Rosewood Halloween Ghost Train becomes one killer party in this special Halloween-themed episode. Plus, Adam Lambert performs.
Aired 12 years ago - Aug 28, 2012
In the midseason finale, Emily is caught in the crossfire as Maya's murderer is revealed and the girls are betrayed by someone close to them.
If Paige was so into Emily,
why would she drug her?
Yeah. And the ultimate prize is
Paige gets Emily all to herself.
We support you, Emily. We do.
- It's a little boy.
- Ezra has a kid?
But I'll see you Monday.
No! I'm already on their radar.
and now she's stuck with
some twisted psycho bitch.
No, we searched every inch of that bag.
The Lighthouse Rock Inn.
He found it online.
♪ you don't know
how much I need you ♪
It's probably Mrs. Rosenthal
from next door.
Look, I've been through a lot.
Listen to me, okay?
there's two of them
and four of us.
♪ nothing stays the same
Did you get that job in Bucks
County just to get away from me?
Hey, Nate, it's Hanna.
Can you give me a call back?
It's cold out there.
Emily, this is me taking
the time to get it right.
Is how much I loved her.
When we kissed,
You underestimate me, Emily.
Come on. Come on!
Aired 12 years ago - Aug 21, 2012
Emily's relationship with Paige has been anything but easy, but she finally feels like their relationship is going in the right direction. So when Spencer comes to her with a sordid tale about Paige's history with Alison, Emily is not ready to heed
her friend's warnings. With Spencer knowing Paige's violent past and this new information about a blood feud between Alison and Paige right before Alison disappeared, she can't stand by to let one of her best friends get close to a potential enemy. But will Spencer cross a line that Emily can't forgive in her attempt to prove to Emily who Paige really is?
Meanwhile, Aria feels she has to help Ezra move on from his past if their relationship is to move forward, but what she finds may be more than she expected.
Aired 12 years ago - Aug 14, 2012
After learning that Noel and his family's cabin had something to do with "that night" and possibly Maya's disappearance, the girls work to try and put the pieces together. Hanna and Emily head out to the Kahn family cabin looking for clues linking
Maya to the site, while Spencer does some snooping of her own on Noel. Could Noel have had a hand in this after all, or are he and Jenna just bluffing to send Aria, Emily, Hanna and Spencer down the wrong path?
Meanwhile, Aria must deal with the aftermath of meeting Ezra's mom and the information about Ezra's past.
Why didn't you just tell me about her?
Look, Wren, what happened the other day...
Honestly, I'm relieved he's
not here, I'm not lying to him.
I managed to smuggle in a little
bottle of prosecco, if you want a taste.
We'll talk. We'll talk after school.
but if I didn't know better, I would think
that Maya was your girlfriend, not mine.
I don't know. A shed, maybe?
So she was what? A friend?
- The Owl Kings are back together?
- Looks like it.
- I have a gift for you.
- Excuse me?
and he's certainly boosted my ego...
and I'm willing to kiss a
few frogs to find my prince.
What time are you getting off?
Do I have to?
I didn't want any men around my mom,
No idea.
Look, I just think that if
you see this going somewhere,
It'll be okay.
What are you doing?
Uh, the last meal I've had
was a rice cake and a yoo-hoo.
I do. I've never behaved like that before.
I recognized the cabin
that was in that picture,
- Look, I'm okay...
- I found Maggie.
"Key witness in the case against Garrett
Because you're gorgeous and young
at this point in my life.
That's it.
Aired 12 years ago - Aug 07, 2012
Spencer and Aria find themselves at the Kahn brothers' party in hopes of saving Spencer's college career. What originally was going to be a quick stop by to ask a favor of CeCe's friend turns into an opportunity for Aria and Spencer to get some
answers from Jenna with a heated game of "Truth." But will Aria and Spencer be willing to give up some of their "truths" to get the answers they are looking for?
Meanwhile, Hanna gets another text from "A" about Caleb.
Aired 12 years ago - Jul 31, 2012
Emily is struggling to deal not only with the loss of Maya, but the knowledge that someone drugged her "that night" and how that has now affected Paige. Going to make amends with Paige and try to explain the drugged flask ends up leading Emily to
more insight of what she did "that night." Also trying to help Emily out, Spencer turns to Caleb to help crack into a website that might hold answers for them all.
Meanwhile, Aria realizes she knows very little about Ezra after meeting his mother and Hanna makes a plea on Mona's behalf.
We used
to do the same thing.
That happens.
I'm so glad to finally meet the
mysterious girl with the lyrical name.
Well, it's nice to meet you.
You too.
That's a good start.
What else?
Okay, I think that I need help.
Hey, Toby.
are the ones you're related to.
I missed a few days.
So what couldn't you
tell me over the phone?
They're still in denial. They'll go along
with whatever the board recommends.
I was wondering if you
could help me out with it.
So, Ezra's family
has some money.
If they send Mona away, we're not gonna
find out why she gave us Maya's site.
It was the night that
somebody dug up Ali's grave.
Lividity? It's the way blood settles
in the body when the heart stops.
He must know something
or have seen something.
I don't remember.
I tried to call your phone,
but you didn't answer.
Yeah. You've been visiting her for months.
You're her friend.
Lot of that's not on DVD.
something that allows you
to get into the system
That was then, and this is now.
Maya got into a police car
with Garrett Reynolds?
Andy Marvel...
what a marvel...
It is completely real.
As in Springer
Preservation Fund?
but it's kind of hard to
work into a conversation.
I think we can negotiate that.
Well, you certainly know about the
dedicated teacher, the struggling writer.
Seeing him... Romantically,
I mean.
It was unintentional.
It's not too late for us
to have a practical discussion.
Ohoh. Is she gone?
She needs the continuity
of clinical environment
who would sit at a table
and guard purses
And no one will care a brown
rat's ass for her in Saratoga.
I want you to listen.
but am I just really
screwing things up for him?
Aired 12 years ago - Jul 24, 2012
With new key evidence in Alison's murder case, Hanna fears that "A" may be framing her after a visit from Det. Wilden. With paranoia setting in, Aria decides that she has to turn to Mona for answers if she is going to help Hanna. But is Aria ready
to face her former tormentor, and more to the point, is Mona ready to give Aria the answers the PLLs are desperately looking for? Meanwhile, someone from Ali and Jason's past arrives in Rosewood and piques the girls' interest.
I can't talk
about this anymore.
Me too. I'm Cece.
She's not here.
Excuse me?
And please, do not
wear a scarf with it.
I didn't feel like
leaving another message.
Got it for Jenna.
I know.
You still think she's alive.
I don't want to talk about...
She's not allowed visitors.
Right. Well, that answers
my next question.
If you don't like him, then why
do you care if he's with Jenna?
if the hottest girl
in Rosewood was available,
These are vanilla custard
and those are just butter.
Well, let's see.
Is as good as a win.
Just calm down.
Before you got here,
before a lot of things,
Mm. Sounds beautiful.
I thought about
writing you a letter and...
Look, I know that
you don't like me.
Well, the coffee, at least.
I will scratch your eyes out.
Uh, yeah, actually this time
I am looking for Emily.
Mmm... aren't you closing?
What are you doing here?
Is everything okay?
I won't say anything
if you don't want me to.
Dad, dad, come on, let's go.
Finally get some justice.
I know, but first
we have to find her.
It's not here? No, we
need to hurry, please.
It's not the 1950s.
But if Jason gets caught,
he could lose everything.
It ended.
Can we talk about this
tomorrow? I'm exhausted.
Aired 12 years ago - Jul 17, 2012
After getting a major clue from Garrett, Hanna and Spencer set out on their separate missions. Hanna sees a perfect opportunity to catch "A" or to at least see who is helping Garrett out. But her perfect plan starts to quickly unravel, leaving Hanna
frustrated and desperate. Spencer tries to figure out the meaning of the clue and enlists Jason's help in the search.
Meanwhile, Emily gets another flashback from "that night" which leads her to a surprising suspect and Aria starts to question Ezra's sudden influx of cash.
Blue team to I.C.U.
She's just weird about
driving with strangers.
I think we're on
our last package of ramen.
♪ Ba ba ba-dum,
so happy ♪
I know that I've been a little
bit distracted recently.
I miss the days
when you ran with me.
Turns out the physical evidence that
the police had on Garrett Reynolds,
Did you get my text?
I need to talk to you
about Garrett. His case.
Would you believe I used to
wear a pair just like these?
Oh. Well, thanks but no thanks.
I'm busy.
Officially? Yeah.
I don't know. All I know is that the
prosecution's case is crumbling,
I don't think that you should... Spencer,
it's not about confronting, okay?
If you had that much cash
lying around,
Well, no, I don't think
she hates me.
I should say hi to Ted.
Toby's picking me up.
but this whole plan
is falling apart!
My biggest concern right now would
be where I wanted to go to college.
What do you say we try to
find the grown-up beverages?
and our friend
can't be reached.
Will two hundred
make it your decision?
Do you want to dance?
I told you.
I wanted to go to a party.
And I need to know why you
and Hanna lied to me.
actually, I used to
see your friend there sometimes.
So, do you want to dance?
Now, where were we?
And I need to know why you
and Hanna lied to me.
Nothing. I was...
I don't get it, Hanna.
Why are you in his corner?
I can see how that
might look... Pretty bad.
and now I'm answering want ads
for webzines and...
Aired 12 years ago - Jul 10, 2012
Jenna's extravagant birthday party seems to be too good to be true and Aria, Emily, Hanna and Spencer think something else might be up - especially when it turns out that Garrett is getting a pass out of jail to visit his ailing mother on the same
night. The timing can't just be a coincidence; the Liars are convinced it all has to do something with "A." With Emily getting an insiders' view working the party, Aria working the crowd as a party-goer and Spencer staked out at the hospital, what could go wrong? The answer is - everything.
Meanwhile, Hanna's wallowing through heartbreak leads her to a shocking discovery.
Aired 12 years ago - Jun 26, 2012
The truth can sometimes hurt and the Liars must take that into account when deciding to reveal secrets. Hanna's visits with Mona are driving a wedge between Hanna and Caleb. But would it be so bad if Hanna told Caleb that she needed to see Mona to
get information about this "A?" Aria, on the other hand, is dreading telling Ella that Byron is back in the dating scene and dating Meredith. But wouldn't it be better if Ella found out from Aria than hearing it someplace else? And Spencer needs to know the truth about Melissa, even if the truth hurts.
Meanwhile, Emily finds some solace after meeting Maya's cousin, Nathan.
Do you think that he's
gonna get any calls?
It's better she hears it
from you than someone else.
Yeah, teenagers.
You have to trust that
I know what I'm doing.
She's divorced,
she's not desperate.
He's cute. Sort of.
Just let the police
handle this.
to send her back there,
she'd still be here.
Hey, I understand you're a cop,
One day, all the guys
decided that we would swim
Something to do with
Alison's missing remains.
It just never seems
to end for that family.
is much shallower
than it used to be.
was not having someone to
share the little stuff with.
All right, you guys,
it's been 20 minutes.
Oh, my God. She's even
more anal than Spencer.
Well, em gets off at 8:00,
so pick her up,
And I know that you didn't
lose the baby in June.
At least that's how it started.
But then I saw your
friends and I... I ran out.
and learned that she was
faking her pregnancy,
My mom was in a car accident.
And now you're saying that
you can't tell me what that is.
Come in.
You are?
I'm gonna go delete
that right now.
Thinking about heading home.
Rough two years.
Aired 12 years ago - Jun 19, 2012
With Spencer's mom now taking Garrett on as a client, Spencer is sure that there is a reason forcing her mother to take on the case. But when she starts questioning, she doesn't so much learn why her mother took the case as stumble upon a larger
Hastings secret. Emily also gets some surprising news about her English exam and fears what those consequences could hold.
Meanwhile, Aria agrees to be Jenna's accompanist in order to keep tabs on her, and Hanna tries to reach out to Lucas.
Aired 12 years ago - Jun 12, 2012
A new "A" player is in town and is determined to show the Liars that he/she means business. After getting a gruesome reminder that "A" is still calling the shots, Aria, Emily, Hanna and Spencer try to quickly devise a plan on how to deal with this
old/new threat and the usual game that has been taken up a notch. Spencer and Hanna continue to play with fire as they look for answers, while one of Aria’s past indiscretions becomes fodder for "A’s" game.
Meanwhile, a still very shaky Emily tries to focus on school but could easily be derailed when she remembers a crucial piece from "that night."
that'd be nice.
♪ if I show you, then I know
you won't tell what I said ♪
Here you go, man. That's okay,
Jenna, don't worry about it.
She knows everything
that you've been through.
Aria, breathe. Meredith
applied for the job,
Why haven't you
called Ezra yet?
I didn't touch your friend Maya,
and I didn't kill Alison,
So it turns out ***
You know what, Mona?
If I told the police
Emily, um...
What? There's been a death, but
it doesn't involve a body.
I looked it up online.
I don't think "okay" really applies
in her situation, does it?
Which student
does this belong to?
Don't you remember when Ali's mom
called us before her funeral
I thought I recognized
the ringtone.
You got somewhere else
you need to be?
I'm guessing it'll be
answered at his trial.
Guess I'm not.
as long as she can't get
anywhere near you, or hurt you--
Because I love you.
And now you're telling me that I
accused her of something that...
Okay, guys, you have 45 minutes.
You're welcome.
Oh, right.
You're seeing him?
We made lunch plans.
Very good. So you decided
to join her this time.
It's Emily.
What about her?
That's all she said?
Aired 12 years ago - Jun 05, 2012
A summer has passed since Aria, Emily, Hanna and Spencer found out about Mona being ‘A’ and Maya’s death…. Each of the four girls spent their summer in different ways – Aria taking a photography class, Spencer taking college courses at Hollis, Hanna
taking cooking classes with Caleb and Emily building houses in Haiti. But… with post-traumatic stress, anger and the acquisition of more secrets the four Liars are anything but fine. Now all back together and coming upon the second anniversary of Alison’s disappearance, the girls find themselves back on the defensive when a shocking event rocks Rosewood.