S4 E3
The CW

Season 4  "Haunter of Ruins"  4x3

Aired 7 years ago - Mar 31, 2017

After five long years apart, Klaus attempts to reconnect with his daughter, Hope. Even as father and daughter bond, the rest of the family is still in turmoil. Elijah mediates a conflict between Hayley and Freya to determine the best way to protect the family. Meanwhile, in New Orleans, Vincent tells Marcel terrible secrets about his ex -wife, Eva Sinclair, even as they begin their search for a mysterious witch who plans to sacrifice a group of innocent children – including Hope Mikaelson.

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Recap of The Originals Season 4 Episode 3 (S04E03) - 2
never sets foot in the Tremé.
Recap of The Originals Season 4 Episode 3 (S04E03) - 3
twisted her up.
Recap of The Originals Season 4 Episode 3 (S04E03) - 4
five years protecting her from everything,
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Let's give him the day with his daughter.
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to decide what we want our new beginning to be.
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that whole wolf pack mentality.
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Because I'm the only guy here getting anything done.
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Well, at least this one doesn't have imaginary blood.
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we're here, breathing.
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Broke my ankle, double compound fracture.
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The book's written in my handwriting.
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I was ruthless.
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but there's one of my kind in a barn,
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Though your Uncle Kol snored.
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[footsteps approaching in distance]
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Oh, now, suddenly you're the arbiter of right and wrong?
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Then show me.
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- [crack] - [chirping stops]
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Something truly loved.
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You're going to be the greatest witch the world has ever seen.
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Well, let's get you inside then, eh?
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He always was a selfish git.
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I'll see you again soon.
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With her muddy shoes on.
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I do recall, I wanted more.
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♪ Goin' on ♪
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Because you have been me.
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and I think he hurt me, too.
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Mom, I'm so cold.
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and Saint-Tropez is as good a place as any.
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We got to cast a cleansing spell on New Orleans soil.
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He knows what's wrong with Hope, he can cure her.
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All right. Don't let anything happen to her.
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that means plenty of other people could, too.
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You offering me a deal?