S1 E10

Season 1  "Sunset"  1x10

Aired 6 years ago - Apr 29, 2017

Frank and Holly's worlds collide when several of her call girls go missing, leading the SIS to investigate an eccentric, reclusive Hollywood producer.

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Recap of Training Day Season 1 Episode 10 (S01E10) - 2
No one knows that better than an escort.
Recap of Training Day Season 1 Episode 10 (S01E10) - 3 #3 Recap of Training Day Season 1 Episode 10 (S01E10) - 4
Should I?
Recap of Training Day Season 1 Episode 10 (S01E10) - 5
Guy abducts his victims, plays with them for a while,
Recap of Training Day Season 1 Episode 10 (S01E10) - 6
I got a dead escort and another one missing.
Recap of Training Day Season 1 Episode 10 (S01E10) - 7
She said she was gonna send someone over right away,
Recap of Training Day Season 1 Episode 10 (S01E10) - 8
Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait! Wait, wait, wait.
Recap of Training Day Season 1 Episode 10 (S01E10) - 9 #9 Recap of Training Day Season 1 Episode 10 (S01E10) - 10
Jessica McClane and Lorianne Salvatore.
Recap of Training Day Season 1 Episode 10 (S01E10) - 11
You need to take a run at Holly,
Recap of Training Day Season 1 Episode 10 (S01E10) - 12
Look, I know you, Frank.
Recap of Training Day Season 1 Episode 10 (S01E10) - 13 #13 Recap of Training Day Season 1 Episode 10 (S01E10) - 14
Left a trail of closed-casket funerals
Recap of Training Day Season 1 Episode 10 (S01E10) - 15
Recap of Training Day Season 1 Episode 10 (S01E10) - 16
preying on women is a capital crime.
Recap of Training Day Season 1 Episode 10 (S01E10) - 17
She's very pretty, your girlfriend.
Recap of Training Day Season 1 Episode 10 (S01E10) - 18 #18 Recap of Training Day Season 1 Episode 10 (S01E10) - 19
Now, this is what we Normans like,
Recap of Training Day Season 1 Episode 10 (S01E10) - 20 #20 Recap of Training Day Season 1 Episode 10 (S01E10) - 21
I've been in the market for a new best friend,
Recap of Training Day Season 1 Episode 10 (S01E10) - 22
Fed detectives this rumor he'd heard
Recap of Training Day Season 1 Episode 10 (S01E10) - 23
You know what we have here, trainee?
Recap of Training Day Season 1 Episode 10 (S01E10) - 24
you told detectives about some guy
Recap of Training Day Season 1 Episode 10 (S01E10) - 25
for when you were really...
Recap of Training Day Season 1 Episode 10 (S01E10) - 26
Looks like the kind of guy you'd find eaten by his cats.
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Oh, it is in Canada.
Recap of Training Day Season 1 Episode 10 (S01E10) - 29 #29 Recap of Training Day Season 1 Episode 10 (S01E10) - 30 #30 Recap of Training Day Season 1 Episode 10 (S01E10) - 31 #31 Recap of Training Day Season 1 Episode 10 (S01E10) - 32 #32 Recap of Training Day Season 1 Episode 10 (S01E10) - 33
Now it's all superheroes,
Recap of Training Day Season 1 Episode 10 (S01E10) - 34 #34 Recap of Training Day Season 1 Episode 10 (S01E10) - 35
Quick! Quick, lads!
Recap of Training Day Season 1 Episode 10 (S01E10) - 36
Oh, that means everything.
Recap of Training Day Season 1 Episode 10 (S01E10) - 37
Do you think those women chose to be prostitutes?
Recap of Training Day Season 1 Episode 10 (S01E10) - 38
That's what he claims.
Recap of Training Day Season 1 Episode 10 (S01E10) - 39
He was a collector, not a serial killer.
Recap of Training Day Season 1 Episode 10 (S01E10) - 40
He's going to plant it.
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- That Frank? - Yep.
Recap of Training Day Season 1 Episode 10 (S01E10) - 43 #43 Recap of Training Day Season 1 Episode 10 (S01E10) - 44 #44 Recap of Training Day Season 1 Episode 10 (S01E10) - 45
Recap of Training Day Season 1 Episode 10 (S01E10) - 46 #46 Recap of Training Day Season 1 Episode 10 (S01E10) - 47
At least you don't have to see it.
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- Can I pour you a drink? - Sure.
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a man that walks away from a job unfinished