S5 E5

Season 5  "Halloween IV: The Ghost Story"  5x5

Aired 10 years ago - Oct 30, 2013

Sue holds a seance with her friends; the football team stops Axl from attending the Halloween party in his room; the family tries to give Brick advice about girls.

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Recap of The Middle Season 5 Episode 5 (S05E05) - 2
There is only one way to fix this.
Recap of The Middle Season 5 Episode 5 (S05E05) - 3 #3 Recap of The Middle Season 5 Episode 5 (S05E05) - 4
- But they're not even here. - Oh, they'll know.
Recap of The Middle Season 5 Episode 5 (S05E05) - 5
Nothing. I haven't answered back.
Recap of The Middle Season 5 Episode 5 (S05E05) - 6
"Sorry I didn't get back to you.
Recap of The Middle Season 5 Episode 5 (S05E05) - 7
There's no coming back from that.
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She said, "Ha."
Recap of The Middle Season 5 Episode 5 (S05E05) - 9
You absolutely do not got this. Wait.
Recap of The Middle Season 5 Episode 5 (S05E05) - 10
All lowercase, and don't you dare put a "G" on the end.
Recap of The Middle Season 5 Episode 5 (S05E05) - 11 #11 Recap of The Middle Season 5 Episode 5 (S05E05) - 12
He has nothing to lose.
Recap of The Middle Season 5 Episode 5 (S05E05) - 13 #13 Recap of The Middle Season 5 Episode 5 (S05E05) - 14
Okay, well, I think we can all agree
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Christopher Columbus!
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Hear our call.
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Hey, baby. How's it going?
Recap of The Middle Season 5 Episode 5 (S05E05) - 20
So then, we're holding hands for the séance, and I say,
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sail across our wood paneling.
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Anyway, it was sort of light and glowing and it sailed
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the other half of the basement for her.
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- Whoo! - Hey, hey, you can't go in there.
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You're seriously gonna keep me out of my own party?!
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So, any last-minute advice
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ate all the licorice menorahs?
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So, at school today,
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Okay, you got to stop her.
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but you should be happy about that.
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That's all-- just so people don't laugh at her.
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My roommate's got a copy of the "Tooth Fairy"
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♪ let's pretend it's the last one ♪
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Hi. I'm Axl.
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Come on, spill it. Mama wants some deets.
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'cause I tasted my own blood.
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a moonlit stroll on the sand?
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Oh, God, no. No, no!
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AKA The Sue-ance, colon,
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something, a-and that's great.
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You're fine.
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Dad, headlights don't look like the ships of famous explorers.
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even though it seemed very real at the time,
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You guys, I know what I saw.