S8 E5
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2 years ago
Fridays 10:00 PM on CBS

Season 8  "The Forgotten"  8x5

Aired 6 years ago - Oct 27, 2017

Danny and Baez investigate the murder of a single mother whose ex-husband has a history of violence. Also, Frank deals with the fallout when Mayor Dutton eliminates solitary confinement in prisons and Jamie tries to save a young woman who overdosed.

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Recap of Blue Bloods Season 8 Episode 5 (S08E05) - 2
(drivers shouting indistinctly)
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We need a bus forthwith
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== sync, corrected by elderman == @elder_man
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Apparently, Nick testified against his father
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Will a guardian be joining her?
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Um, I'm fine. I don't need to be taken care of. Where's my car?
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No. We have it under control for now.
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besides the boots on the ground don't like this policy?
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per inmate, per year,
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JANKO: So, you save a life, and now you're just gonna let it
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If she were a poor male,
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Maybe... two years ago.
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My oldest found her.
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No, no, no. They will absolutely kill me.
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Got the phone records.
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then I have to put her in a cell.
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(door opens)
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You know, Nick, if you really want to help
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I think maybe this would be a good time
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Come on. I got to go process her arrest.
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Put in a second call for a bus.
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I work for my police officers.
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So you extend that courtesy to just the females.
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We're not disputing if the hospital is or is not to blame.
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Not a knife.
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Just a constant reminder of Gina's death.
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You treated that girl like a human being, Jamie.
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Fentanyl or heroin, not sure what the final verdict was.
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"Drugs kill." DANNY: Yeah,
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When I think I've had a tough week, I remember:
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It's just...
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That's my partner, Detective Baez.
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bunch of guys wait to get work for the day.
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Get your hands on the wheel. Homicide?
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not to bring a shovel to a gunfight?
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The governor and AG agree 100%
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Detective Clarice Bunuel.
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They're an eyesore till they get torn down,
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I'm sorry.
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Arturo Alvarez.