S10 E6
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Wednesdays 10:00 PM on Comedy Central

Season 10  "Manbearpig"  10x6

Aired 17 years ago - Apr 26, 2006

While assisting an ex-Vice President in his quest for attention, the boys get trapped by a cave-in and while searching for a way out, Cartman discovers treasure. Now he has to figure out how to get out of the cave without the others knowing about it and he can keep it all for himself.

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Recap of South Park Season 10 Episode 6 (S10E06) - 2
I hope now you boys see that this is totally serial.
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Boys, there's no such thing as a manbearpig.
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Oh man... Hi Mr. Gore.
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No, no, it's not that. - Yes it is.
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Bring everyone you can to my manbearpig meeting tomorrow at 8 a.m. sharp!
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Okay, let's get this meeting started.
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It was discovered in 1892
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I need you to keep an eye out for manbearpig droppings.
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And finally, of course, the "Two Sisters".
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All right, everyone, if you'll step this way, you'll see how the cave gets its name.
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In certain areas of the cave, the wind actually blows through, causing a sound you can hear.
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Take this rope! Be ready to tie him up!
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Damn you ManBearPig! They're just children!
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All right, let's split up and look for a passageway.
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Cartman, you see anything?
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Why? - I just... I don't feel very good.
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This cave-in was no accident
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What is that, a pigbearman?
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Dude, it's bad enough we have to sit here without you taking a crap every ten minutes!
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You would all just looove to get your hands on my treasure, wouldn't you?!
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I've got a little plan going, to get the treasure out of here without you ever knowing.
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Yeah. It's nice talking with you, Kyle. See you around.
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I told you we need to fill the cave with hot molten lead,
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I'm super serial!
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It's been three days since four unidentified children were trapped in a cave-in.
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where you can get your picture taken with fake treasure.
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Something's really wrong with him.
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I can't! Kick yourself back to safety!