S7 E5
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2 years ago
Mondays 8:00 PM on CBS

Season 7  "Code of Conduct"  7x5

Aired 14 years ago - Oct 20, 2009

When a Marine known for his practical jokes is found dead on Halloween Eve, the NCIS team discovers that the victim's "good-natured" pranks may have inspired ghoulish retribution. Meanwhile, Ziva tries to adjust to her new role on the team.

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Recap of NCIS Season 7 Episode 5 (S07E05) - 2
And you are?
Recap of NCIS Season 7 Episode 5 (S07E05) - 3
TONY: Whoa-oa-oa-oa!
Recap of NCIS Season 7 Episode 5 (S07E05) - 4 #4 Recap of NCIS Season 7 Episode 5 (S07E05) - 5
Either way, I think you found your cause of death.
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Because nobody married to her
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Excuse me.
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James would spend days in there this time of year.
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My mom died when I was little.
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I'm sorry.
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With pleasure, doctor.
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Thank you, Mr. Palmer.
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It's good trunk to top ratio as well.
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Yes. We are still
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Very cgvincin nerd outfit.
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Girlfriend in college got a restraining order against you.
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(howling stops)
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Vehicles can only be signed out... By a marine.
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Whoever tried to kill Lance Corporal Korby
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We're talking about a black ops widow.
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It says here you're up for a promotion, Sergeant Barnes.
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Korby's dead.
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But none of us killed him.
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Korby's distractions were more serious
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Usually, I do my autopsies from the outside in,
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There are traces of bruising on his wrists and ankles.
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(shouting): Tony, McGee has been here for six years.
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He chronicled all of his exploits
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No more refills.
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The killer probably used Korby's coffee thermos to poison him.
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what happened overseas?
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Well, half a million dollar
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He saved my ass a time or two.
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But denied having knowledge of the Code Red
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Ah, Germans.
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Sorry about that.
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when I turn to see Korby's flak jacket on fire.
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I did it to save him.
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till 2:00 am, they have him on security cameras.
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Private Singer.
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The guy who covers for his lover.
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I was.
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I swear to you.
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Let's see.
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The car was parked in his driveway.
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for a little while, did they?